Friday, June 17, 2011

Resolved Question: British or American comedy?

Television shows. Who's got it more right? And why?
Is the humour being easier to understand necessarily a good thing?!
Canned laughter is also not a good thing.

I'd say British without a doubt, but then I am English so accept I
might be biased. Our comedy shows seem a lot dryer and smarter if I'm
honest. But I'm willing to be proven wrong!

South Park is the only American comedy show that I LOVE -_-
And Jackass is great too :)

America have the win when it comes to cop shows and 'epic' shows like
24 or Lost. To be fair we are not even in the same league when it
comes to stuff like that!
(((hugs))) Brian :)
I dislike Monty Python on the whole, but I know it was rather big in
the States. Some of it was funny but most of it was just too mental
and broad! Thank you for answering my friend and Happy Friday by the
way :)

New Zealand deserve a special comedy mention too, just for Flight of
the Conchords!
Brian! Your mention of House by the way, I assume you know that Hugh
Laurie is a British comedy actor....well this what I grew up watching
him in :) How different?!!!

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