Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why doesn't the Doctor (in Doctor Who) care as much about his male companions as his female?

He seems to have stricter standards for Jack, Mickey, Rory, etc. He
only really gives in on Jack. He adores Sarah
Jane/Rose/Martha/Donna/Amy, but he only loved Rose so it's not *that*.
And he supposedly loves humanity, so why be biased by his own sexual
preference? So is it chauvinism, or do all the female fans just like
the idea of the Doctor whooshing them away and want to live
vicariously, or because men supposedly are more disposed to violence
and the Doctor hates violence (I said *supposedly*) ? Like Mickey
says, "it's always about Rose, I'm just a spare part, can
only chase after one of us, and it's never going to be me?" It irks
me. Even though I am female.

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