Sunday, October 16, 2011

Daniel Radcliffe stars in another haunting Lady In Black trailer

The Lady In Black, Daniel Radcliffe's first real stab in an 'adult' movie publish-Harry Potter, has scared up another trailer.This latest promo offers a bit more when it comes to plot, however it still plays with striking images instead of spoilers.And because of the tease character from the trailer, we are still refused a considerable glimpse at Radcliffe's performance, but it is reliable advice this is mobile phone industry's from Potter.And Hewlett packard fans may be keen to understand this trailer finds time to have an exchange between Radcliffe and Ciarán Hinds (Deathly Hallows: Part Two's Aberforth Dumbledore).Browse the video (thanks to MSN) the following:<a href='http://video.united^en-gb&src=FLPl:embed::uuids' _fcksavedurl='http://video.united^en-gb&src=FLPl:embed::uuids' target='_new' title='MSN World Exclusive: Lady In Black - United kingdom trailer' >Video: MSN World Exclusive: Lady In Black - United kingdom trailer</a>The Lady In Black opens on 10 Feb 2012.

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